8 Cell Changer (10mm Pathlength) for GENESYS™ 140/150/180 Spectrophotometers

SKU#: 840-303400
Lead time if no stock (days): 42
Available Qty: 11
Speed up your analysis with high-throughput measurements.
Make the most of every sample. Accessories for Thermo Scientific™ GENESYS™ UV-Vis spectrophotometers are designed to enable you to work smarter, not harder. We offer a wide variety of options to meet your measurment requirments. Cable-free, snap-in design allows for easy exchange of accessories.

We provide single-cell solutions for measuring different types of samples. Speed up your analysis with high-throughput measurements.
Description8-position Carousel for 10 mm Pathlength Cells. Magnetic latch design for easy carousel exchange.
ForUseWithEquipmentGENESYS 140/150/180, BioMate 160 Spectrophotometers
HoldsUp to 8 10 mm Pathlength Cells
Product Name8 Cell Changer (10mm Pathlength) for GENESYS™ 140/150/180 Spectrophotometers
VisibilityCatalog, Search
BrandThermo Fisher Scientific
Attribute Name 1Description
Attribute Value 18-position Carousel for 10 mm Pathlength Cells. Magnetic latch design for easy carousel exchange.
Attribute Name 2ForUseWithEquipment
Attribute Value 2GENESYS 140/150/180, BioMate 160 Spectrophotometers
Attribute Name 3Holds
Attribute Value 3Up to 8 10 mm Pathlength Cells
Floor StandingNo
Lead time if no stock (days)42