FB Autoclavable Biohazard Waste Bags, 7
Dual tested compliant
Autoclaving is a very common way to sterilize infectious waste through the use of high temperature, high pressure steam over a specific time period. Sterilized waste is less expensive to dispose. Dual-tested autoclave bags are ASTM D1922 Elmendorf Tear tested to exceed 480g of tear strength (MD and TD) and ASTM D1709 tested to exceed 165g dart drop strength.
- Integral steam processing indicator that turns brown when autoclaved
- Bags comply with US DOT 49CFR Sections 173-197 and specific state regulations
- Operating temperature tolerance up to 285degreeFdegreeAvailable in various sizes
- Bag with black print
- Gauge: 2mil
- Quantity: 500/Cs.
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