Owl™ EasyCast™ B1 Mini Gel Electrophoresis Systems

SKU#: B1
Lead time if no stock (days): 49
Available Qty: 0
Cast and run a gel in the same chamber with no tape or additional parts required with the Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ EasyCast™ B1 Mini Gel Electrophoresis Systems.
Cast and run a gel in the same chamber with no tape or additional parts required with the leakproof casting of Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ EasyCast™ B1 Mini Gel Electrophoresis Systems. Durability and ease of use makes this the perfect choice for students and high volume researchers.


  • System offers a wide range of combs.
  • Two comb slots on gel tray double sample capacity by doubling number of sample wells.
  • UVT gel trays are silk screened with a florescent ruler for easy measurement of bands.


  • Main buffer chamber
  • Thermo Scientific™ SuperSafe™ lid with attached power supply leads
  • Thermo Scientific™ EasyCast™ Gasketed UVT gel tray
  • Two Combs: 10 & 14 Well, Double-sided, 1.0/1.5mm thick

Ordering Information:

Available with optional buffer exchange ports, (B1-BP), for use with an external recirculation pump.

Warranty and Service Offering:

  • Three years
Product NameOwl™ EasyCast™ B1 Mini Gel Electrophoresis Systems
VisibilityCatalog, Search
BrandThermo Fisher Scientific
Attribute Name 1Description
Attribute Value 1EasyCast
Floor StandingNo
Lead time if no stock (days)49