SOLA™ SOLA HRP SPE Cartridge, 10mg/1mL

SKU#: 60109-001
Lead time if no stock (days): 42
Available Qty: 0
Achieve greater reproducibility with cleaner more consistent extracts compared to conventional SPE, phospholipid removal and protein precipitation products.
SOLA products are available in a 10mg/1mL cartridge format. They provide highly reproducible, clean and consistent sample extracts for bioanalysis by utilizing the unique award winning fritless SPE technology. The enhanced performance of SOLA cartridges gives you greater confidence in your analytical results and lowers operating costs - without compromising ease of use or requiring complex method development.

SOLA cartridges provide unparalleled performance characteristics compared to conventional SPE, phospholipid removal and protein precipitation products.

What SOLA Cartridges Mean to Your Analysis
  • Higher levels of reproducibility
  • Higher levels of extract cleanliness
  • Reduced solvent requirements
  • Confidence in results
DescriptionSOLA HRP SPE Cartridge
SorbentHRP (Reversed Phase Polymeric)