2mlScrwCapTube,NoKnrl,Skrt,Nat,ST nocap

SKU#: 3490NKS
Lead time if no stock (days): 119
Available Qty: 100

Pure Protection: Prepare, transfer and store samples securely with Thermo Scientific Screw Cap Microtubes. Available in multiple volumes, packaging options and clean claims.

Non-Sterile is free of Rnase/Dnase, DNA, Pyrogen & Endotoxin.
Sterile E-Beam is free of Rnase/Dnase, DNA, Pyrogen, Endotoxin, ATP, PCR Inhibitor.
Packaging is tailored to meet broad requirements. Tubes are packaged with and without caps, caps are attached or unattached, placed in a single bag and double bagged feature for clean room environments is available upon request.
100% virgin polypropylene resin specifically selected for high clarity and biologic applications
O-ring design, thickness and material selection have been optimized to provide protective features for maximum sealing ability, biologic interaction and temperature capability. The black colored O-ring is made from EPDM.
Automated System Compatible. Whether automate is used for filling, capping or labeling the product is designed to withstand high torque pressures associated with automation. Product design helps to address common automated issues like: Fissure cracks, bowl feeder jam, over/under torqued caps and cross threading.
Volume range of 0.5, 1.5 and 2.0mL.
Tube Color choices are an ultra-high clarity Natural color or the Amber option which provides ultra violet (UV) protection of 1.22% transmittance between 220 and 500nm.
Standard or Tethered cap, all available in a rainbow of colors. Visit cap product page for additional information.
Knurl tubes feature the ability to lock tube into specialty racks for single had operation.
Non knurl tubes ideal for automation and labeling, tubes are plain, removed of any labeling interference.
Skirted or Self Standing tubes can stand upright on their own, no rack required.
Conical tubes requires a rack to support them in the upright position.
Low nucleic acid and protein binding and low enzyme inhibition are features that Resin selection features.
RCF range from 18,000 to 25,000 x g.
Temperature Range -80°C to +95°C. Short term storage in -80°C, -20°C, dry ice and wet ice. Short term storage in vapor phase LN2. Suitable for a quick dip flash freeze in LN2.
Water Bath compatible up to +95°C.
Description2.0ml Screw Cap Tube, NonKnurl,Skirted,Natural, E-Beam Sterile, tube only no cap
FitforPurposeSterile & PCR Ready
Product Name2mlScrwCapTube,NoKnrl,Skrt,Nat,ST nocap
VisibilityCatalog, Search
BrandThermo Fisher Scientific
Quantity per UOM500pcs per BAG
Custom Description Dynamic Rows[{"customer_group": "4", "store_view": "2", "description": "<p>Enjoy promotional pricing while stocks last.</p>", "initialize": "true"}]
Attribute Name 1Color
Attribute Value 1Natural
Attribute Name 2Description
Attribute Value 22.0ml Screw Cap Tube, NonKnurl,Skirted,Natural, E-Beam Sterile, tube only no cap
Attribute Name 3Sterility
Attribute Value 3Sterile
Attribute Name 4FitforPurpose
Attribute Value 4Sterile & PCR Ready
Floor StandingNo
Lead time if no stock (days)119