Smart2Pure 6 UV

SKU#: 50129885
Lead time if no stock (days): 113
Available Qty: 2
Convert tap water to both ASTM Type 1 and Type 2 water with this compact, all-in-one water system.

Convert tap water to both ASTM Type 1 and Type 2 water with the compact, all-in-one Thermo Scientificâ„¢ Barnsteadâ„¢ Smart2Pureâ„¢ Water Purification System. This complete system produces 3 or 6 liters of ultrapure water per hour. The Smart2Pure 3 and 6 feature a built-in 6L reservoir to store the Type 2 water, while the Smart2Pure 12 offers the choice of a 30L or 60L reservoir for customizable storage capacity. Dispensing is easy and features variable speed to control flow. The display can be tilted for optimal reading. Position this system on the bench or mount on the wall.

ModelSmart2Pure 6 UV
ROFlowRate6 L/hr.
IncludesInternal 6L tank with vent filter, RO/pretreatment cartridge,ultrapure polisher cartridge, sterile 0.2μm filter,pressure regulator and UV lamp.
Product NameSmart2Pure 6 UV
VisibilityCatalog, Search
BrandThermo Fisher Scientific
Attribute Name 1Model
Attribute Value 1Smart2Pure 6 UV
Attribute Name 2ROFlowRate
Attribute Value 26 L/hr.
Attribute Name 3Includes
Attribute Value 3Internal 6L tank with vent filter, RO/pretreatment cartridge,ultrapure polisher cartridge, sterile 0.2μm filter,pressure regulator and UV lamp.
Floor StandingNo
Lead time if no stock (days)113