Sorvall X1R Pro,220-230 V

SKU#: 75009760
Lead time if no stock (days): 163
Available Qty: 7
Ergonomically designed, Pro series touch screen enables easier programming for quicker results--plus easily access and track all runs, rotor life and centrifuge health.
Ergonomically designed, Pro series touch screen enables easier programming for quicker results--plus easily access and track all runs, rotor life and centrifuge health. With capacity up to 1.6 L, including 76 x 5/7 mL blood tubes and 16 x 50 mL conical tubes, Auto-Lock for fast rotor exchange and 16 available rotors to choose from.
Voltage220/230 V
ModelGeneral Use Only
ModelGeneral Use Only
Product NameSorvall X1R Pro,220-230 V
VisibilityCatalog, Search
BrandThermo Fisher Scientific
Speed RPM15,200
Electrical220-230 V
General IVDGeneral
Attribute Name 1Refrigerated
Attribute Value 1Yes
Attribute Name 2Voltage
Attribute Value 2220/230 V
Attribute Name 3Model
Attribute Value 3General Use Only
Attribute Name 4Model
Attribute Value 4General Use Only
Floor StandingNo
Lead time if no stock (days)163