Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ pH Electrode Filling Solution for ROSS Ultra, ROSS, PerpHecT ROSS Electrodes, Filling Solution for ROSS Ultra, ROSS, PerpHecT ROSS Electrodes

SKU#: FIS13-641-755
Lead time if no stock (days): 49
Available Qty: 2
Thermo Scientific™ Orion pH Electrode Filling Solution for use with pH electrodes and reference electrodes.


  • Only use ROSS filling solution (810007) with ROSS™ and ROSS Ultra™ pH electrodes to prevent damaging the ROSS electrodes
  • When the single junction reference electrode (900100) or double junction reference electrode (900200) are used with Orion ion selective electrodes (ISE), refer to the recommended ISE filling solution listed in the ISE user guide


The following part number has been changed due to a recent system upgrade.

Old Part Number:910008

New Part Number: 910008-WA

Please use the new part number when placing an order or requesting a quote. The old and new part numbers are interchangeable on Certificate of Analysis and Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) files.


ItemDescription 用于 ROSS Ultra、ROSS、PerpHecT ROSS 电极的填充液
Unit 0
Qualifier cl_2643390
Productsapid 810007
Language zh
Valueposition 0
Product NameThermo Scientific™ Orion™ pH Electrode Filling Solution for ROSS Ultra, ROSS, PerpHecT ROSS Electrodes, Filling Solution for ROSS Ultra, ROSS, PerpHecT ROSS Electrodes
VisibilityCatalog, Search
BrandThermo Scientific
Floor StandingNo
Lead time if no stock (days)49